Pengaruh Variasi Konsentrasi NaCl sebagai Aktivator Karbon Aktif Kulit Singkong untuk Menurunkan Konsentrasi Logam Berat Air Sungai Batang Ombilin

Rezi Radika, Astuti Astuti


Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pengaruh variasi aktivator NaCl pada karbon aktif kulit singkong untuk menurunkan kadar logam berat air Sungai Batang Ombilin. Karbon aktif dibuat dengan metode adsorbsi. Variasi konsentrasi aktivator yang digunakan yaitu 20%, 25%, 30% dan 35%. Hasil Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) menunjukkan pada karbon aktif terbentuk pori-pori, hal ini disebabkan karena aktivator NaCl dapat menghilangkan pengotor yang ada pada permukaan karbon. Pengujian kadar logam berat sampel air sungai menggunakan Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) dilakukan sebelum dan setelah penambahan karbon aktif. Kadar logam berat sampel air sungai setelah penambahan karbon aktif sudah berada di  bawah ambang batas baku air bersih kelas II, kecuali logam Mn. Penyerapan paling tinggi terdapat pada karbon aktif 35% dengan rata-rata sebesar 83,13%. Penyerapan paling rendah terdapat pada karbon aktif 20% dengan rata-rata 28,08%. Nilai konduktivitas listrik sebesar 93,3 μS/cm setelah penambahan karbon aktif dengan konsentrasi aktivator 35%.


Research of the effect of activator with NaCl variations to cassava peels activated carbon for reducing the contain of heavy metals in Batang Ombilin river has been conducted. Activated carbon was synthesized by using adsorption method. Variations of concentration was 20%, 25%, 30%, and 35%. The results of SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) show that there are pores form in activated carbon. That because NaCl activator can reducing polluters in carbon surfaces. The contain of heavy metals was tested by ICP (Inductively Coupled Plasma). It was tested before and after adding activated carbon. The contain of heavy metals of water sample after adding activated carbon was in under limit threshold of II class pure water standard, except for Mn metal. The highest adsorption was obtained by activated carbon with 35% activator with average is 83,13%. The lowest adsorption was obtained by activated carbon with 20% activator average is 28.08%. The value of electric conductivity is 93.3 μS/cm after adding activated carbon with 35% activator concentration.

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