Pemodelan 3D Bidang Gelincir Tanah Longsor Menggunakan Metode Geolistrik di Bukit Nobita Padang

M. Arif, Dwi Pujiastuti, Ahmad Fauzi Pohan


The surface of rupture investigation has been conducted at Nobita Hill, Kampung Jua, Lubuk Begalung, Padang City using the 3-dimensional resistivity geoelectric method in Wenner configuration. The research was conducted in a hilly area with a slope of up to 40º. Data was collected on three tracks with variations in length lengths of 120 and 240 m. The electrode spacing is 6, 12, 18, and 24 m for current and potential electrodes. Data processing was carried out using Res2dinv software to display a 2-dimensional image of the subsurface layer based on the resistivity values measured in the field. The results of 2-dimensional image processing were then modeled in 3 dimensions using Voxler software. Data interpretation of the results obtained by Track 1 has a resistivity value of 1170-2028 Ωm at a depth of 4.5-19.1m. Track 2 has a resistivity value of 1052-1768 Ωm with a depth of 4.5-19.1 m. Track 3 has a resistivity value of 1492-2937 Ωm at a depth of 1.5-19.1 m. The direction of the sliding plane of Tracks 1 and 2 is to the northwest, while track 3 is to the northeast. The results showed that the sliding plane on each track is granite.


Bidang gelincir, Resistivitas, Res2dinv, Wenner

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