Sistem Pemantauan Slot Parkir Menggunakan Sensor Ultrasonik JSN-SR04T dan Pengenalan Plat Nomor Kendaraan dengan ESP32-CAM

Khairina Auliya, Meqorry Yusfi, Rahmat Rasyid


A parking slot monitoring system prototype has been produced using the JSN-SR04T ultrasonic sensor and vehicle license plate recognition with ESP32-CAM. The system was created to make it easier for motorists to monitor the availability of parking slots remotely by utilizing Telegram which is connected to the ESP32-CAM module and Arduino Mega 2560. The ultrasonic sensor detects the distance of vehicles entering or exiting the parking lot, then a servo motor opens the entry and exit bars. Vehicle users can monitor the availability of parking slots on the Telegram bot. In each slot there is an ultrasonic sensor that detects the distance so that it can find out whether there is a vehicle in the slot. The test results show that the ultrasonic sensor has an average error percentage of 0.65%. The parking barrier can be opened when the ultrasonic sensor detects the presence of a vehicle at the entrance or exit and the ultrasonic sensor can detect the presence of a vehicle according to the conditions in the slot. The system is equipped with vehicle license plate character recognition using the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) method. Through the ESP32-CAM module camera webserver, the OCR program can detect vehicle plates with the furthest distance of 140 cm using video resolution (400x296) and 300 cm using video resolution (1600x1200). The OCR program can read the vehicle plate characters correctly and the results for the number of characters obtained correspond to the license plate being tested, then the vehicle plate data is stored in the database


OCR, Plat Nomor, Sensor Ultrasonik JSN-SR04T, Slot Parkir, Telegram

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