Daud Satria Putra, Ardian Putra



Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pengaruh variasi limbah effluent dan limbah olahan terhadap air hulu sungai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kualitas air berdasarkan pengujian TSS (Total Suspended Solid), TDS (Total Dissolved Solid), konduktivitas, dan kandungan logam.  Variasi volume limbah effluent dan limbah olahan yaitu 20 mL. 40 mL, 60 mL, 80 mL, dan 100 mL terhadap 1000 mL air hulu sungai. Pada pengujian terhadap pencampuran volume limbah effluent 2 % terhadap volume air hulu menghasilkan nilai TSS dan TDS berturut-turut 5473 mg/L dan 16651 mg/L, konduktivitas 163,43 µS dan konsentrasi logam Al, Cu dan Fe berturut-turut 0,714 mg/L, 0,382 mg/L dan 0,682 mg/L, nilai dari semua parameter ini masih menjauhi baku mutu sehingga diperlukan pengolahan limbah effluent sebelum jadi air buangan. Berdasarkan nilai TSS dan TDS dari hasil pencampuran limbah olahan terhadap air hulu dan nilai air hilir, batas buangan limbah yang dihasilkan antara 4 % - 6 % limbah olahan terhadap air hulu sedangkan dari pengujian konduktivitas, batas buangan limbah yang dihasilkan lebih besar dari 10 % limbah olahan terhadap air hulu. Pada pengujian kandungan logam dibuktikan bahwa limbah cair kelapa sawit kandungan logam Al, Cu dan Fe. Konsentrasi logam Al limbah effluent sebesar 6,786 mg/L, konsentrasi logam Cu limbah effluent sebesar 4,823 mg/L, dan konsentrasi logam Fe limbah effluent sebesar 4,864 mg/L.

Kata Kunci : kandungan logam, konduktivitas, limbah cair kelapa sawit, TDS, TSS


This study is concerning inthe enviromental effect of variation of pure waste and processed sewage to upstream water. The purpose of this study was to determine the water quality based on TSS (Total Suspended Solid), TDS (Total Dissolved Solid), conductivity, and metal contents. Variations in the volume of waste pure and processed waste is 20 mL, 40 mL, 60 mL, 80 mL, and 100mL to 1000 mL of upstream water. Testing of mixing pure waste volume 2% of upstream water volume obtain result of TSS and TDS respectively 5473 mg/L, and 16651 mg/L, 163,43 µS conductivity, metal concentration of Al, Cu, and Fe respectively 0,714 mg/L, 0,382 mg/L and 0,682 mg/L, the value of all these parameters is still away from the quality standard so needs a treatment before it becomes waste water. Based on TSS and TDS values result by mixing of processed waste upstream water and downstream water, the result of waste disposal limits between 4% - 6% toward upper course,meanwhile at the conductivity test, the result of waste disposal limits was 10 % higher toward upper course. The concentration of Al pure waste 6,786 mg/L, the concentration of Cu pure waste of 4.823 mg/L, and the concentration of Fe pure waste of4.864mg/L.

Keyword : conductivity, metal contents, palm oil liquid waste, TDS, TSS 

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Departemen Fisika, FMIPA Universitas Andalas

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