Evaluasi Penerapan Proteksi Radiasi pada Pekerja Radiasi di Instalasi Radiologi RS Naili DBS, RS Selaguri, dan RS UNAND

Aprizka Smartalova Syahda, Dian Milvita, Heru Prasetio


Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang penerapan proteksi radiasi pada pekerja radiasi di Instalasi Radiologi RS Naili DBS, RS Selaguri dan RS UNAND.  Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi dosis radiasi perorangan yang diterima pekerja radiasi, mengestimasi efek yang diterima pekerja radiasi serta mengevaluasi penerapan prinsip proteksi radiasi bagi pekerja radiasi.  Pada penelitian digunakan data sekunder untuk dosis radiasi perorangan pekerja radiasi dan data primer untuk laju paparan radiasi di instalasi radiologi menggunakan surveymeter fluke dengan tegangan pesawat sinar-X 80 kV.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dosis radiasi perorangan yang diterima pekerja radiasi pada ketiga rumah sakit dalam waktu 3 bulan di bawah Nilai Batas Dosis (NBD) yaitu (0-0,46) mSv dengan acuan NBD berdasarkan Perka BAPETEN No. 4 Tahun 2013 yaitu 20 mSv dalam satu tahun.  Efek radiasi yang diterima pekerja radiasi diperkirakan efek stokastik karena dosis radiasi perorangan yang diterima pekerja radiasi rendah.  Penerapan proteksi radiasi terkait waktu, jarak, dan penggunaan perisai radiasi ruang memenuhi standar BAPETEN No. 4 Tahun 2013, akan tetapi penggunaan APD sebagai perisai diri belum mengikuti standar.


A research on the application of protection from radiation has been done in the radiology installation at Naili DBS Hospital, Selaguri Hospital, and University of Andalas Hospital.  This study aims to evaluate the radiation dose received by radiation workers, to estimate the effect of the radiation to the radiation workers and to evaluate the principal application of radiation protection to radiation workers. The research uses primary data for the radiation exposure rate in radiology installation by using survey meter fluke with 80 kV of X-ray energy and secondary data for the radiation dose for each individual. The result shows that the radiation dose received by the radiation workers on the aforementioned hospitals are below the Dose Limits (NBD) based on Perka BAPETEN No. 4 of 2013, which is (0–0.46) mSv for 3 months compared to 20 mSv for year which is the maximum amount allowed. The radiation effect sustained by the radiation workers is projected to be stochastic, due to the low rate of radiation dose rate. The application of radiation protection related to time, distance and the usage of a radiation shield meets the required standard of BAPETEN, but the usage of personal protective equipment as a self-defence mechanism has not met the required standard yet.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.25077/jfu.9.4.517-523.2020


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